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Project 37,Cost US$6,535: Provided machinery In Shazud Village, 86 families , Gund District, to start a mini wool-processing factory.

Funded by: Dhananis

86-family Village of Shazud 

Pre-project situation:

The village shears 2000 sheep every Spring. However, they don’t have any machinery to process the sheared wool.

So they have to sell unprocessed wool at an unreasonably cheap price to the Traders from Kyrgyzstan. 

If they had a wool-processing machinery, then they would be able to sell directly to people at a higher price and significantly increase their profit.


Consultation with the villagers

Project Details

Hfp’ ordered a whole set of machinery and a modern sewing machine from China and donated to the Village to set up a mini wool-processing factory. This factory is now housed in an empty old building in the Village.

Initially, the factory will be operated by 9 persons (9 new jobs) and after a while, 4-5 more persons will be hired. 

 Items donated

Meeting after the machinery was installed

Photos of the Training and Operation

Project Testimonial  from the Village 

The residents of the Shazud village for many years have put their efforts to develop the production of traditional goods, but unfortunately did not succeed on this. Crafting the traditional products by hand is a challenging procedure and requires a lot of time and energy.

With the support of the PO “Umed ba behbudi” and specifically its donors Shiraz and Shahida Dhanani a workshop which is equipped with required machinery, including spinning-machine, sewing machine and machine for wool processing, was established. This workshop makes the wool processing and preparing of traditional products much faster, much easier and with best quality.

With the head of the Shazud village, the workers of the workshop and the residents of the Shazud village are very thankful for the Dhananis family for their charity and PO “Umed ba behbudi” for doing the high-quality job to make the workshop successful.

Additional answers received on 14.05.2020

Q.1 Now that you have a factory in the village, how has your business with the kyrgiz buyers changed?


Now we sell to the Kyrgiz buyers processed wool with higher price.  


Q.2 What more you are able to do locally with the wool from the sheep in your village?


Now we are able to produce Pamiri traditional socks and carpets, warm hats and sweaters for our own consumption and selling.


Q.3 How is the factory now managed?


The factory is managed mainly by one person, but big decisions are made during community meetings.


Q.4 How many people are working in the factory?


 10 people are working in the factory.


Q.5 Among these people working in this factory, how many had no jobs before?


 All 10 of them did not had jobs before.


 Q.6.   How many kg you will be able to process in the factory every year?


From 900 – 1200 kg of wool could be processed at the factory every year.


 Q.7 Do you plan to hire more persons?


 We have the intention to expand the factory! If we can get 5 sewing machines capable to do also embroidery, we can hire 5 more women to make women dresses, Tajik hats etc..  

Q.8 How has the factory helped the sheep owners in the village?

 The sheep owners are now able to earn additional income, as we buy the unprocessed wool from them regularly.


Q 9. Are any nearby villages benefiting because of your factory?


 At the moment, no, the factory is covering only our village.



We want to express gratitude to deceased Sherbanu, Hasham, Nasim, Aly and Rahemat  and shahida and shiraz who contributed to the implementation of this project, and make a Dua in the name of those who are not alive, may they rest in peace in Paradise and for those who are still alive and who have the good fortune to do such good deeds we make Dua for their good health.