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Project 25: Donation Cost US$4900. In Zivornak, Gund District, UBB assisted to pipe drinkable water, from a mountain spring (2 kms away) down to their village

Funded by: Dhananis

Zivornak Village with 13 Families

Pre-project Situation

As shown below: The villagers were having to take a donkey  up the mountain, some 2000 meters away, to fetch clean drinkable water from a  spring.

In winter, these trips became even more difficult.

Project Scope

Installed a pipe line from the spring source to the Village, as shown below.

HfP donated materials and specialized services of trench digging through a rocky area and pipe-fitting service.

The village did the installation work.

Expected Benefits

This piped access to potable water will benefit them in 4 different ways: 

1) The villagers will not suffer from water borne deseases 2) It will free up more time to work on their farm land during spring, summer and fall and 3) in winter, it will give the parents more time to spend with the kids on doing their home wwork,and 4) every day, they will have more time to cook meals

 Items donated

HfP donated to the village,  2000 meters of PVC pipes, a filter tank, other necessary items, service for mechanical drilling in 100-ft  long rocky stretch,  and The pipe-fitting service.

Construction/Installation work by the village

Completed Project

Feedback from the Village

Appreciation letter

Dear Shiraz Dhanani and Shahida Dhanani ,

The time has come for us we residents of the Zivornak village to express our deepest gratitude for your funding the provision of the materials for drinking water supply.

Actually, it should be noted that you helped us to realize the wish of our grandfathers and grand grand fathers.

Unfortunately, they were not able to see that their wish finally became true with the support of people who are directed by Mavlana Hazir Imam farmans and who have decided to award us with there Nazrana.

Our children and we are sure our grandchildren will always keep in our minds and hearts the kindness you have provided to us.

We make Dua for you both and for your close relatives to be blessed by our Hazir Imam and may you always be healthy and live and peace.

Amin and Ya Ali Madad.

Asfalikhon Muborakshoev

Head of Zivornak Village

I.D. 3583599