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Project 24: Donation Cost U$2500. In Rimvoj,, Roshqala District, UBB facilitated the piping of clean drinking water from a mountain spring, 730 meters away up a hill

Funded by: Dhananis

Rimvoj village of 17 families

Pre-project situation

Before our assistance, the villagers fetched potable water from a stream (shown below) which beccomes dirty in summer and frezees up in winter.

Project Scope

Installed a pipeline from the village to the spring source, 730m away up the mountain. 

Expected Benefits

This piped access to potable water will benefit them in 4 different ways: 

1) The villagers will not suffer from water borne deseases 2) It will free up more time to work on their farm land during spring, summer and fall and 3) in winter, it will give the parents more time to spend with the kids on doing their home wwork,and 4) every day, they will have more time to cook meals

Items donated

So, HfP donated 730 meters of pipe, pipe-fitting service, cement etc. to build a reservoir and pipe spring water down to the village. The Village completed the rest of the work.

Construction work by the Village

Completed Project

Testimonial from the Village 

  Appreciation Letter

To the citizens of USA Mr. Shiraz Dhanani and Mrs. Shiraz Dhanani 

We, the residents of Rimvoj village and members of village organization Trayd, were very happy to hear about your decision on supporting us with the provision of clean drinking water.

As you know, we used the water from river as a drinking water which was not safe.

But it changed after your visit to our village. Now, the water from the spring above the village is coming to the village center and all the villagers have access to it.

For this reason, we want to thank you for the support and care you have given to us.

May both of you always be healthy and happy.


The Head of Rimvoj village

Atamov F