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Project 18: Donation Cost US$7500. In Chadud, Rushan District, UBBdonated pipe materials to install a pipeline to bypass a channel section that every year collapsed in winter due to heavy snow fall.

Funding by: Dhananis

Village of Chadud with 15 families

Pre-project situation

The village receives river water for irrigation  via 1600-meter long open channel that was built a long time ago by the village.

However, every winter, about 400-meter length of this channel  was destroyed by heavy snowfall. 

The Village then had to spend a lot of time in spring to repair the destroyed length to unblock the water. This work delayed their planting work in the planting season and reduced the production of crops.

The Village has 18 ha of arable land, but because of the above described recurring problem, they were able to farm only 8 ha.

Generally, they use 40%  of the farmed area for growing wheat, 40% for potatoes and 20% for other kinds of vegetables.

The photos below indicate the kind of  channel damage that was recurring and also a part of the unused arable land (before this project was completed).

Project Scope

The project consisted of installing a pipe line in the  location extent shown in red.


Items donated

 HfP donated 400 meters of pipe, insulation material to cover the pipe pieces, bags of cement and the service of a pipe fitter (shown below).

The village did all the construction.

Construction work by the Village

Completed project 

As shown below, the water for irrigation now flows uninterrupted 24/7 in both the main channel and in the stream on the right

Testimonial from the Village

Dear Mr Shiraz and Mrs. Shahida,

The residents of Chadud village had faced, for many years, a challenge of  continuous water supply for irrigation.

Now with your charity, our dry area has water for 24 hours a day.

We are grateful for your work, and

we make dua for your health and for your deceased family members.

Inshooloh stay healthy and khanaabad!