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Project 40, Donated cost US$6750. Expanded a small dairy business in Barushon village, 50 families, Rushan District

Funded by: Dhananis

Villages of Dehrushon (55 families), Barushon (50 families), and Shujand (25 familes)




          Raw milk collected from the cows in these villages

Location of the dairy processing in Dehrushon

Marketing Milk in Khorog 

Project Scope

HfP will donate 17 new stainless steel containers, and 3 cold storage units.

Expected Benefits

Derushon, Barshon and Shujand have abundant cow milk to sell.

At the same time there is a greater demand in Khorog for the milk he brings in.

 With 3 cold storage units and new 17 tanks, Nazar will be able to process more milk and bring it to Khorog every day (instead of every other day). This in turn will double the mil quantity he sells presently.

When he starts to sell more milk, it will also benefit the dairy cow farmers in those 3 villages.

He will locate 2  cold storage units at his milk processing place and 1 cold storage unit in Khorog.

During those days, when he has not sold all the milk, he will use the cold storage unit in Khorog to store the left-over milk overnight and sell it the next day.  

Items HfP Donated

Completed Project 

Feedback from the Village  

Date of the Feedback:


From the dairy owner Qosimov N (mobile ph: 935650877) in the Barushon  Village, GBAO, Tajikistan,  received after the completion of the above project 40 :     

Project:   Donated assistance for Dairy operation


  1. What tasks in your operation have now become easier?

    There are two main tasks which became easier after the assistance provided:

  1. Storage of the milk.
  2. Delivery of the milk to Khorog. .
  3. can you explain in how each of these tasks has become easier
  4. Storage of the milk. Before due to unavailability of the fridges I had to keep the milk for very short period and sometimes it would get spoiled. Now I can store the milk for longer period and with bigger amount.
  5. Delivery of the milk to Khorog. Before some of the milk would get spoiled in warm weather. Now the provided insulated tanks keep the milk cool and in one temperature.
  6. Are you now selling more milk than before?


  1. How much more in %age

          The selling of the milk has increased for up to 40% after the assistance received.

  1. Are more farmers benefitting from the increased sales


  1. How many more farmers have become your suppliers

          Before the around 30 farmers were supplying milk to us. Now around 50 farmers. 

  1. Do you have any plans to increase your business from the level it is now?

          Currently, the size of the business is at the satisfying level, no any plans for the increase are currently in mind.


  1. What duas would you like to give to the deceased family members of Shiraz, Shiraz and Shahida?

The households of the Shujand village (the suppliers of the milk), me and my family members highly appreciate the assistance provided and make dua for success of the Dhananis family.  May their souls of the deceased family members rest in peace.