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Project 19: Donation Cost US$6730. In Darjomch, Bartang Valley, Rushan District, UBB provided materials to build a new bigger barn to house and protect their livestock from predatory animals, To shelter them in severe weathers

Funding from: Dhananis

Village of Darjomch

Pre-project situation

 This village had a dilapidated small farm house which was built by the Government in the Soviet Union time. 

This old farm house on the pasture land (4 kms away from the village) was now not big enough to house and protect all their current livestock from attacks by the wolves and leopards and from the snow and rain.

On average, they were losing about 20 sheep to wolves every year.

              The old barn shown on the left and planned location of the new barn on the right 

The size of livestock

Items donated

 The Programme donated all the materials they needed to build a much bigger and stronger barn, and the Village constructed it.

Construction work by the Village

Completed Barn

How thIs Barn is used

 In 2016 and 2017, about 40 sheep were killed (about 20 per year). But after the barn was built, no sheep has been lost to wolves 

Also, this new barn benefits 60 families. 

From December  till February (3 months) all the goats and sheep will continue to stay in the Darjomch village.

From March till June (4 months) they now stay in the barn that we built for them. 

From July till September(3 months), they drive the sheep to pastures at higher altitude. 

And finally from October till November (2 months), they again stay in the barn.

Testimonial from the Village

The Darjomch village is located in Bartang sub-district. The population of Darjomch village is mainly involved in agriculture, including stock raising and cropping.  

Stock raising is the most profitable area, as there are suitable conditions for it. During the last years the population has put it efforts to improve the stock raising area.

During the last years, the changing of the climate has caused death of a lot of stock, which challenges the people to earn from the stock raising.

During this special and full of emotions year, Diamond Jubilee Celebration year, with the support of our spiritual brother and sister Mr. Shiraz and Mrs. Shahida,we have finished the construction of a farm which will enable us to use the pasture lands to its best.

We express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Shiraz and Mrs. Shahida for their help and wish them to be blessed by Hazir Imam. We are proud that with our Hazir Imam guidance, our Jamaat is trying hard to improve their lives and each other’s lives.

Head of the Darjomch Village

Oshurov Ulfatshoh.

Date of the 2nd feedback: 4 May 2021. 

Darjomch village now losing on average only 4 or 5 animals after the barn was constructed. Before the barn, they were losing 20-30 animals from the predatory animals and 20-30 from rain and cold winter.