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Project wishes of Village Chiefs in Roshtkala District -Total 56

1) Tabarsem (26 families)

1. Barn for livestock (8 kms away)

2. pipeline to provide access to drinking water (Project 98 in 2021)

2) Yuben
 1. New irrigation

2. Barn for livestock

3 Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed -Project 32)

3) Chasma
     1. New irrigation     

4) Bidiz-bolo (46 families)
     1. Irrigation chanel repairs

     2. Barn for livestock (7 kms away)       

5) Corj (28 families)
     1. Irrigation chanel repairs (1300 mt of pipes for channel repairs)

     2. Barn for livestock (1 km away)       

6) Medenveth (71 families)
     1. Irrigation chanel repairs (1300 mts. of pipes)

      2.Barn for livestock  (1 km away)      

7) Ambav (23 families)
     1. Irrigation chanel repairs
40 mt of pipes)

     2. Fence to protect the livestock (7 kms away?)       

8) Daradjand
     1. New irrigation

  9) Jarajan (35 families)
1. Barn for livestock

2.Water pump for irrigation,  (Project 85 in 2021)

3. Drinking water 

4. New irrigation land 

10) Guldara
 1. Irrigation channel repairs

2. Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed -Project 27)


11) Bidzhur
     1. Irrigation channel repairs   

12) Sindev (40 families)1.

1. Irrigation channel repairs (200 meters of pipe)  

2. Barn for  livestock (15 kms. away?) 

3 Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed -Project 31)

13) Shokhirism (60 families)    

 1. Irrigation of 27 ha. The water source is 6 kms away.

 2. Barn for livestock

 3.  Footbridge

 4. Electric flour mill

 5. Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water  (Completed – Project 29)

 6. Fence to protect 150m x100m forest and wood procesing equipment

7. A presse for juicing seabuckthorn fruits they they grow


  8) Equipment for a shoe repairer

14) Sejd and Sejd- dasht Villages, 150 families

 1. New Irrigation 

2.  Barn for livestock

3. Channel Repairs

4. Upgrade a Carpentry Shop (completed – Project 41)  

   5)  A family  has a territory for raising chicken

15) Shivoz (58 families)
     1. Irrigation channel repairs

16) Rubot (13 families)
     1. Irrigation channel repairs

17) Shosbuved (48 families)
     1. Irrigation channel repairs

     2. Pipeline for drinking water (7 kms)

     3.  Barn for yaks

18) Nimoth
1. Footbridge for livestock-Location  (Project 103 in 2022)

19) Chandin (16 families)
1. Footbridge for livestock  

 2. Irrigation channel repairs

 3.  Barn for livestock

4. Fence for an orchard                                                                                                                                      

20) Javshangoz (24 families)

 1.  New roof for the livestock barn

2. wool processing factory 

3 Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed -Project 30)                                                                                                                                    

21) Ridjez

 1. New roof for the livestock barn

2. Pipeline access to a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed -Project 28)

25) Zanudj

1. Upgrade a welding shop (completed  Project 68)

26) Dashtisezhd

1. Access to drinking water from a spring 5 kms away.