Project Wishes of Village Chiefs in Gund District – Total 24
1) Sardem :
1. Barn for yaks
2 Wool processing (done through Project 37 in Shazud, 2019)
3)Khujamyor Amirbekov requested seabuckthorn juice making equipment
4)Jumakhon Imomdodov requested simple car maintenance equipment.
2) Badchor (40 families):
1. Barn for yaks
2. Expand and upgrade 2 metal working shops (Completed- Project 66)
3) Patkhor :
1. Wool processing factory Type B (Project ?? 2022).
2) Shomamad Oshurmamadov requested simple car maintenance equipment
4) Shazud:
1.Barn for yaks
2. Wool processing factory (Completed – Project 37 )
5) Oqmamad (41 families):
1. Equipment for wood processing and metal working shop
2) Gulomsho Shoidaryoev requested Seabuckthorn juicing equipment .This man’s request will help the whole village evetually because he has big farm).
6) Miyonshar:
1. A wool processing factory Type B
2. Expand Bee Farm (Completed -Project 71)
7) Pish:
1. Wool processing Type B (Proj 37 in Shazud, 2019)
8) Charthem:1.
1. Wool processing Type B factory (Project ?? in Patkhor, 2022) 1
9) Ver
1) Equipment for general laborer (we have such laborers which do different types of work, mostly building walls from stones, for houses build in Pamir are build from stones, putting the roof or roof and etc. It is seasonably work from March-October
2. Equipment for shaving the sheep and cleaning the wool – has notes that he could earn more in average up to 5000 tjs more if he will have the required equipment done.
3) Oshurov Nazrisho requested simple car maintenance equipment
4)Uvaydo Khudododov requested simple car maintenance equipment
5)Khujamyor Amirbekov requested seabuckthorn equipment
10) Sitosho Village (27 families)
1. Extend and widen the existing concrete channel to increase irrigation water to farm more land
11) Zivornak
1. A ,pipeline to access a mountain spring for drinking water (Completed – Project 25)
2. Wool processing Machinery Type B