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Project 109, Donation. Cost: US$16,000 – Installation of a pipeline to provide Imomashrab village with 45 Households, District Panj , access to safe drinking water from a big Well located 4 kms away.

Funded by: Dhananis

Imomashrab  Village

Pre-project Situation

Currently the residents of Imomashrab village suffer from difficult access to  drinking water. The residents fetch water from the water source which is located 3 kms away from the village. It costs them a lot of time, power and money to bring water to their houses. For this reason, they minimize the utilization of water as much as possible which causes infectious deseases among children a lot.


The channel fed by the well

The water well which feeds the channel

Project Scope

 Installation of an insulated 63mm diameter polyethene pipeline from the well to the village

The planned pipeline

This well will  feed water into the pipeline

              Expected benefits  

The project will benefit the villagers in following ways.

1) It will significantly reduce the number of infectious diseases spread amongst the residents of the village, specifically children.

2) It will give the opportunity to the villagers to practice sanitation and hygiene measures at a  better level, without worrying of the availability of the water

3) The parents will have more time to prepare meals for their children

4) The children will have more time to spend on their studies and other activities

Items donated  

Construction/Installation  by the Village (pending)

Completed project (pending)


Feedback from the village (pending)