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Project 56 in Zaych Village, Vanj District ( donation cost US$3000) : Installed a water pipeline between the Village of 16 families, and a mountain spring of potable water, 1500 meters up a hill

Funded by: Dhananis

Zaych Village

Pre-Project Situation

Presently, they drink water from the river shown below.

However, there is a nearby spring (only 1500 meters away) that has cleaner potable water. But they need pipes to tap that spring.

Project Scope

Installation of a pipeline from the spring to the Village, along the path shown in red

Expected Benefits

This piped access to potable water will benefit them in 4 different ways: 

1) The villagers will not suffer from water borne diseases 2) It will free up more time to work on their farmland during spring, summer, and fall, and 3) in winter, it will give the parents more time to spend with the kids on doing their home work, and 4) every day, they will have more time to cook meals.

HfP donated all the materials for the pipeline


Completed Project

Feedback from the Village

:Date of the Feedback: 8.09.2021

Feedback received From the Chief Alviev N  (mobile ph: 900520907 ) of the  Zaych Village, GBAO, Tajikistan after, the completion of the above project no. 46:     

How has this pipeline helped you in saving time for other activities?

In winter:  Having water close to the house, gives the people opportunity to spend time on other activities around the house, as shoveling the snow on the walkways and around the house. Women will have more time weaving socks and sweaters.  

In spring:  Sometimes as do not have enough time and manpower some of the land we do not crop with vegetables, as it consumes a lot of energy and time. We crop animal feeder there. Now that we will have more time, we will be able to prepare more land for cropping. 

In summer: It help us to save time for spending on working on  our farm lands and land plots around the house. 

In Fall: We will have some extra time to spend for the harvesting and storing purposes. 

Does the taste change in different seasons?,

It tastes the same in all the season

Does it have any color – No

 Does it have any odor – No

Do use any water from this for washing? – Yes

 Does the water leave any stains on the clothes? – No

 Is it hard water – No

 Any tap water can contain different amounts of total dissolved salts (TDS),  which in large quantities would make the water  harmful to drink. So, it is necessary to test it regularly. 

 The water is rated  based on the TDS amout per liter:

excellent when  less than 300 mg, good  when between 300-600 gm, fair when 600-900 mg and unacceptable when morethan 1200 mg.

 So, can you plan to test your tap water regularly with this meter we have given you?- Yes               

 Also, can you plan to have a government specialist check your drinking water if it smells bad, tastes bad or has a color? Yes

 Duaa from the Village Chief:

We, the residents of this village, ask for strong health and long life from God for Shiraz and Shahida Dhanani for their charity work they are doing around in our region. May God give them strength and many more opportunities for continuation of their charity work. For the deceased family members of the donors we ask for peace