Project 06 (Donation Cost US$1524). In Riddeh, Rushan District, UBB donated wood-fired heaters to use in Winter for the homes
Funded by: Dhananis
Village of Rid-deh with 9 Families
Pre-project Situation
During winter seasons, these families in Riddeh had been been using wood-burning heaters. They were bought during the Soviet time.
So, these heaters were at least 18 years old, had cracks and created a lot of smoke inside the homes.
New wood-fired Heaters
Testimonial from the Village
After the ceiling was installed with the heat isolation material, the warmness of the room was felt right away. The installation of the ceiling also helps to use less wood for warming up the room in winter.
Nobovar Niyozmamadov Head of the Rid Village, Rushan District