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Project 71 (Donation cost US$6,250) Expanded and upgraded 2 bee farms as a joint business in Miyonshar Village of 114 families, Gund District

Funded by: Dhananis

Miyonshar Village  

Pre-Project Situation

Currently two families are producing honey (with beekeeping) for their own consumption and very small amount for selling. There are more customers which are interested in purchasing their honey, but the producers are not able to meet the demand due to small capacity. 

Project Scope

HfP will donate: Bee Boxes, Bee smoker, Protective clothing, Honey extractor, Bee feeder.

Expected Benefits

The families will increase their productivity, amount of honey produced will increase the family income. The new equipment will enable the families to produce honey with better quality and create two additional job places. 

The materials donated by HfP  

Completed Project  


Feedback from the village  

Feedback Project # 71

Date of the Feedback: 10.06.2023                                   

 From the Chief Khushkadamov Kh  (mobile ph: 502185868 ) of the  Miyonshar Village, received after the completion of the project below: 

New business of Beekeeping   


  1. How often do you inspect your beehives to check their health and prevent them from outside dangers, keeping your yard in good shape?

To prevent the bees from outside dangers I check them every week.

  1. Do you inspect for outside dangers like American foulbrood, Nosema or Treacheal mites, hive beatles?
  2. In the last 12 months have you lost any beehives?


  1. How many colonies do you have, now?
    Sixteen colonies.
  2. how much honey you are able to harvest to sell?

This year we sold 160kg of honey.

(‘One hive can produce 60 lb (27 kg) or more in a good season, however an average hive would be around 25 lb (11 kg) surplus)

  1. Are you able to sell all the honey?
  2. To whom do you sell the honey?
    To the village households and nearby villagers.
  3. Is there more demand from those who buy from you?
  4. Have any new buyers contacted you?

       Not, yet.

  1. Have you thought of expanding your business and increasing income,
  2. If you got the help, are you willing to work with more colonies, produce more honey to sell and also make other products to sell if there is a demand for it.

Yes, we are willing to work with more colonies, and sell beeswax and bee pollen.

Other products would be:

Beeswax – Beeswax is a product, that you can sell it to those who make candles, soaps ad beauty aid

Bee Pollen – it is a super food that can boost immunity against diseases and also control allergies

Use your beehives to produce replacement bees and start hives to sell to other customers or increase the no. of bee colonies for your own farm


Our prayers go towards the good health and long lives of Shiraz and Shahida Dhananis, and all their family members. Each of us make Dua for their health and may they live long and happy life together. May Mawla give them Barakat for their good deeds.
May the souls of deceased family members, Sherbanu, Hasham, Naseem, Aly and Rahemat rest in eternal peace.