Project 45 (Donated Cost $10,630) in Mazanchut Vllage (10 families) in Bartang Valley, Rushan District: installed a new irrigation system which required 150 meters of open ditch and 470 meters of pipeline to irrigate new farm lands in Mazanchut and Bardara Village of 70 families
Funded by: Dhananis and Gillanis
Mithoo and Nabat Gillani (residing in Calgary, Canada) contributed US$2,500 to participate in the Project
Project Scope
Installation of a 470 meter of PVC pipeline diameter 200mm to irrigate new farm lands in Mazanchut and Bardara Villages.
Expected Benefits
After the pipeline is installed, Mazanchut will cultivate as communal farms.
The pipeline will also enable the adjacent Bardara Village to farm more area.
Between the 2 Vilages, they have about 6 hactars of arable land.
Items Donated (included hiring a specialist for pipe-fitting)
Construction Photos
Completed Project
Water from a mountain spring runs through a pipe section laid on the ground to the first Reservoir at the approach edge of the River, then continues over the river through the pipe bridge to the 2nd Reservoir and flows out into an open ditch channel which extends to the new areas to be farmed.
Better photos of the new farms will be re-taken in the Fall of 2023
Testimonial from the Village
Date of the Feedback: 10.2022
Feedback received From the Chief Muzofiroz B (mobile ph: 937036107 ) of the Mazanchut Village, GBAO, Tajikistan after, the completion of the Irrigation Project 45:
Feedback Qs and As on the completed irrigation project.
Q.1How has your situation improved after the completed
Now we are able to irrigate our new area of the land
Q.2 Will the new area of the land help you to grow more quantities of the
items that you have been growing?
Yes, the new area of the land help us to grow more quantities of
Q.3 Approximately how much more in percentage?
Approximately 40%
Q.4 Will the new area of the land now make it possible for you to start more
farms or expand your present farms?
Yes, we will expand our farms in future.
Q.5 Will you now be able to grow extra quantities to sell?
No, we are using it for our needs only
Duaa from the Village Chief:
Our prayers go towards the good health and long lives of Shiraz and Shahida Dhananis, Mithoo and Nabat Gillani and all their family members. May they be blessed in their Iman and wealth. and may Allah give them many more opportunities to be generous towards others. May the souls of deceased family members, Sherbanu, Hasham, Naseem, Aly and Rahemat rest in eternal peace.