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Project 36 in Riddeh, Roshan District, (donation cost US$7,100): Started a communal mixed orchard of 650 dwarf fruit trees to increase food security for the village and to sell.


 Salim and Jenny Kaderali (residingin Toronto, CA) covered US$2,000 of  cost of the 2nd construction stage, to celebrate the birth of a grand child.

Village of Riddeh with 9 families


In the 2017, HfP had donated ploughing services and fertilizer to develop for them 1 hectare of a  community vegetable farm for food security.

At that time, the Village  requested an additional assistance to develop an orchard of 650 fruit trees.

Project Scope

8500 sq. m. area orchard of 200 apricot trees, 180 cherry trees, 100 apple trees, 100 pear trees and 50 mulberry trees and 20 peach trees. 

 Also, the Village will grow alfalfa grass (between the rows of trees) to sell to those who have sheep.

Items donated in the stage 1:

 Materials for a 450m long and 1.5m high fence  

Items donated in the stage 2:

 Saplings  of 200 apricot trees, 100 apple trees , 180 cherry trees , 100 pear trees, 50 mulberry trees and 20 peach trees

Installation of the fence (stage 1)

Planting the saplings (stage 2) 

Fully grown Orchard (after 4 years)

Pre-Project Feedback Received

Feedback answers received from the Chief Niyozmamadov Naborav of the Riddeh Village, over the phone on 28.05.2020: 

Project: Planted a mixed orchard, 850 sq. m. wide

1. How much experience do you all have in growing fruit trees?
We have 6 to 7 years of experience in growing fruit trees
2. Do you have enough experience with fruit trees to keep them healthy and save diseased trees from dying?
We have the experience in growing fruit trees and we know some techniques on keeping them healthy.
3. Do you already have equipment for cutting the trees?
Yes, we have equipment for cutting the trees
4. How do you plan to protect these fruit trees during your very cold winters, frost, strong winds, and from pests.
Fortunately, we don’t have very cold winter and strong winds in our area for extra protection during winter.       

To protect the trees from the pests
we can use pesticides.

5. Do you need an orchard specialist to help you learn more now or in the future after trees are fully grown?
No, we have specialist in the village.
6. How did you decide on the size of the orchard area?
The size of the orchard area depended on the available land
7. How did you decide on the number of each kind fruit tree that you requested?
In the all community (village) meeting we decided what kind of which fruit trees should we request.
8. After how many years, each type of tree will start producing fruits?
After 3 or 4 years.
9. How much will the orchard help you towards securing enough food for your own needs in the village?
The fruit trees will supply with enough fruits for each household’s consumption.
10. How will you decide on how much fruit to distribute to the village families for consumption?
We will divide the fruits equally to all families.
11. Do you plan to save fruits for consumption during non-
growing months and winter?
Yes, we will save fruits in non-growing months and in winter.
We will dry most of it, and some we will keep fresh.

12. How do you plan to store them?
We will dry most of it, some will keep fresh in the cooler
rooms of the houses in boxes.
13. What proportion of fruits you plan to sell for income, sell to whom?
We think that after the trees will have fruits on them, for 2-3
years it will be enough only for our consumption. After that
we will plan for selling.
14. How will the extra income from the orchard will help the village?
Since the fruits will be divided equally, the households will
make decision on selling the products or using it for their own consumption.

Dua conveyed by the Village Chief Niyozmamadov Naborav:

For helping us realize this Orchard, we make Dua for 1) the deceased Sherbanu, Hasham, Nasim, Aly and Rahemat, and 2) 2)presently living Shiraz and Shahida Dhanani, and   Salim and Jenny Kaderali  that light, joy, and peace in heaven be accepted.

Also, for Shiraz, Shahida, Salim and Jenny, may all their good deeds return to them with good health and long-lasting life.