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Project 39: Donation cost US$7,855: Installed a pipeline to provide safe drinking water to Nisur Village (35 families, in Bartang Valley in Rushan District) from a spring source, 4200m away


 Mithoo and Nabat Gillani (residing in Cagary, Canada) covered US$2,000 of the total cost.  

45-family Village of Nisur

Pre-Project Situation

The villagers have no access to safe drinking water.

They collect water from thee nearby Bartang River, let the water stay in the Sun for 3 hours for all the impurities to settle to the bottom, and then boil the clear water before drinking.

The river water is even more dirty in Spring and Summer.

Also, collecting water in Winter is more difficult because the temperatures in Winter often drop to -30 degree Centigrade.

Project Scope

Installation of a water pipeline to the village from a spring source of clean drinking water, located 4.2 kms away  

Expected Benefits

This piped access to potable water will benefit them in 4 different ways: 

1) The villagers will not suffer from water borne deseases 2) It will free up more time to work on their farm land during spring, summer and fall and 3) in winter, it will give the parents more time to spend with the kids on doing their home wwork,and 4) every day, they will have more time to cook meals.

Items donated

Pipes, glass insulation for pipes, cement and other accessories


      Completed project

Feedback from the Village

Date of the Feedback: 8.09.2020

Feedback received From the Chief Olimov Z  (mobile ph: 880888457 ) of the  Nisur Village, GBAO, Tajikistan after, the completion of the project below:     

How has this pipeline helped you in saving time for other activities?

 In winter:  It will help us to spend more time with the kids on doing their homework and cooking meals

In spring:  It will help us to save time for spending on working on  our farm lands.

In summer: It help us to save time for spending on working on  our farm lands

In Fall: It is helping us to spend more time in harvesting our crop

Does the taste change in different seasons?,

It tastes the same in all the season

Does it have any color – No

 Does it have any odor – No

Do use any water from this for washing? – Yes

 Does the water leave any stains on the clothes? – No

Is it hard water – No

 Any tap water can contain different amounts of total dissolved salts (TDS),  which in large quantities would make the water  harmful to drink. So, it is necessary to test it regularly. 

 The water is rated  based on the TDS amout per liter:

excellent when  less than 300 mg, good  when between 300-600 gm, fair when 600-900 mg and unacceptable when morethan 1200 mg.

 So, can you plan to rest your tap waterregularly with this meter we have given you?- Yes               

  Also, can you plan to have a government specialist check your drinking water if it smells bad, tastes bad or has a color? Yes

 Duaa from the Village Chief:

For those who have made donations for this project Shahida and Shiraz Dhanani, Mithoo and Nabat Gillani, with the aim of helping most vulnerable people, may their nazrana be accepted by Mawla and may all their donations be repaid to them in 10 times. For the deceased donors of the project’ Sherbanu, Hasham, Naseem, Aly and Rahemat,  we pray for blessings of their departed souls and eternal peace.