Project 20: Donation Cost US$590. In Dorj, Rushan District, UBB assisted with materials to install a pipeline to tap drinkable water f.rom a spring located on the opposite side of the river.
Mohamed and Nargis Tejpar (Pennsylvania) covered US$500 of the cost of the project.
Dorj Village of 45 families
Pre-project situation
The main problem of this 45-family village is they did not have clean drinking water. They were drinking water from the river nearby, which is naturally not clean enough, and the villagers frequently became sick.
There is a spring nearby but unfortunately, the spring is located on the other side of the river. They requested help from multiple organizations but nobody ever helped them.
Project Scope
Install a pipeline over the river to access the sprig source on the other side
Expected Benefits
This piped access to potable water will benefit them in 4 different ways:
1) The villagers will not suffer from water borne deseases 2) It will free up more time to work on their farm land during spring, summer and fall and 3) in winter, it will give the parents more time to spend with the kids on doing their home work,and 4) every day, they will have more time to cook meals
Items donated
HfP donated to them the materials they needed and requested: 1) 260 meters of pipe (20mm diameter), 2) 1 ton of cement for reservoir and 3) 1 steel chain to pull the pipe across the River
Construction work by the village
Completed Project
Testimonial from the Village
There are very rare people in the world who support other people in difficulties.
We the resident of the Dorj village were challenged of not having safe and clean drinking water. The main challenge was finding funds for purchasing materials for transferring drinkable water from the spring 300 meters away, from across the river.
Fortunately, this year two kind people have sponsored our wish. These two great people Mohamed and Nargis Tejpar eased our life much.
We have are very grateful for the support that have received and we wish to them healthy, happy and successful life.
May God bring them money 10 times the amount they have provided us with.
With best wishes,
Residents of Dorj valley: Niyozov Alinazar Bobiev Bozor Shanbiev Dustmamad